Need more work!!
Normally I love these type of games, but you dont give enough chances at earning more cash. You should offer cash every day for logging in beside whatever it was you gave for checking out the "other" games you can try and download. I ended up using my money to try and figure out the first one. Now what not enough money to go any farther as the cost just for one letter is totally above and beyond the money you would get for figuring out the picture. You could offer cash for watch little video clips of games we could get. Watch 5 videos and make enough to solve the puzzle.... Just something like that to earn free cash.
So here I sit picture not figured out with 59 left in bank but 99 dollars a letter. Come on you want people to come back and play. We All know you just want us to plunk money into the game so we can buy letters, zoom out, or reveal pictures. But sorry there are way to many better apps out there with games that give you a chance, not make it impossible to go farther with out spending a ridiculous amount of money. For that I give a 1 even though these are my favorite type games. This has potential if you put some thought into making free money easier.
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What's the Close Up? - Close Up Pics Photo Quiz, v3.10.1